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Planter Development

At Metro Atlanta Collective, we believe that no one should plant a church on their own. We understand the challenges of planting a church and we exist to come alongside you through every phase - from discerning your call, to raising funds, to gathering people, to holding your first worship service. We'll even be there after you plant and begin to experience the joy and challenges of leading a growing church. Click to learn more about the three MAC Residencies



MAS Church Planting Residency

The MAS Church Planting Residency is a 9-month program that is a collaboration between Metro Atlanta Seminary and Metro Atlanta Collective. This residency gives prospective church planters an opportunity to explore their interest through exposure to theological studies, practical reflection on key issues related to church planting, and mentored processing of their potential call. 

Applicants without an MDiv

OPTION 1 {1 year}
Certificate in Christian Studies

Certificate credits can be transferred to other undergraduate and graduate programs.

OPTION 2 {3 year}
Masters of Divinity

Continue on to complete your MDiv.

Applicants with an MDiv

1 Year
Non-Coursework Track

Mentoring and Practicum aspects only.


The Discover Residency is designed to assist the resident as they confirm their calling to plant a church. This is more than mere theological training, but hands-on exposure to what it takes to plant, all under the guidance of a specialized mentor. The mentor will assess not only doctrine, but temperament, personality profile, and understanding of leadership dynamics. 


  1. Provide the resident with church planting education in the field.

  2. Provide the resident with mentor processed church planting training.

  3. Provide the resident with an assessment of their readiness to plant.

Commitments from MAC / MAS

  1. Provide local, skilled, specialized, church planting mentors.

  2. Provide exceptional professors and teachers.

  3. Provide encouragement, spiritual accountability, and growth.

  4. Provide an honest assessment of the resident's readiness to plant.

Expectations and Commitments from Resident

  1. Lean in.

  2. Be on time.

  3. Complete all assignments.

  4. Attend all mentoring meetings.

  5. Maintain a teachable spirit.

  6. Interact with and encourage other residents.


Quarter 1: Late Summer

  1. OT Survey

  2. Doctrine of Scripture

Quarter 2: Fall

  1. NT Survey

  2. Hermeneutics

Quarter 3: Winter

  1. Making Disciples

  2. God, Man, and Sin

Quarter 4:  Spring

  1. Person and Work of Christ

  2. Sermon Preparation

Practicum | Field Education

  • Visit three different church plant worship services. Write a description of your experiences and discuss them with your mentor.


  • Interview three church planters concerning their day-to-day experiences in the field. Write a summary of what you have learned and discuss with your mentor.


  • Complete a personality /temperament profile and discuss the results with your mentor.


  • Spend time with unchurched unbelievers. Write a summary of what you learned from the experience and discuss it with your mentor.


  • Teach (in some capacity) for your home church (Bible study, youth group lesson, men's group lesson, etc.) and discuss the experience with your mentor.


​Expectations: Keep a journal of your observations and take-aways. Discuss what you are reading with your mentor at monthly meetings. Upload the journal by the last day of each quarter.

Quarter 1: Foundations

READ: Planting Missional Churches (2nd Edition)

  • Chapter 1: The Basics of Church Planting

  • Chapter 2: Redeveloping a Missional Mindset for North America

  • Chapter 3: The Biblical Basis of Church Planting

  • Chapter 4: What Makes a Church Planter?

READ: The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

  • Chapter 1: The Natural Condition of the Human Ego

  • Chapter 2: The Transformed View of Self

Quarter 2: Models

READ: Planting Missional Churches (2nd Edition)

  • Chapter 5: Leadership Models

  • Chapter 6: Missional / Incarnational Churches

  • Chapter 7: Simple Churches

  • Chapter 8: Multiethnic or Monoethnic Churches

  • Chapter 9: Multisite Planting

READ: The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

  • Chapter 3: How to Get That Transformed View of Self

Quarter 3: Systems

READ: Planting Missional Churches (2nd Edition)

  • Chapter 10: Church Structure

  • Chapter 11: Planter-Pastor Leadership Issues

  • Chapter 12: Choosing a Focus Group

  • Chapter 13: Developing a Launch Team

  • Chapter 14: Finding and Handling Finances

  • Chapter 15: Finding a Meeting Place

  • Chapter 16: The Launch - The Birth of a New Church

  • Chapter 17: Growing in the New Church

  • Chapter 18: Congregational Formation

Quarter 4: Ministry Areas

READ: Planting Missional Churches (2nd Edition)

  • Chapter 19: Building a Team

  • Chapter 20: Evangelism

  • Chapter 21: Small Groups

  • Chapter 22: Worship

  • Chapter 23: Preaching

  • Chapter 24: Spiritual Formation

  • Chapter 25: Children

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About Metro Atlanta Seminary

MAS is a seminary in the metro Atlanta area fully accredited through the Association of Reformed Seminaries and supported by the Christian Education Committee of the Metro Atlanta Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America. 11The heart of MAS is to equip and train leaders for the church who will be able to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We believe that interactive classes, thought-provoking curriculum, and a healthy diet of real life ministry opportunities are the way to train leaders. We focus on the development of character and competence while helping students grow in their faith. We keep the classes small because we want an interactive and engaging learning environment. Head knowledge is good and needed but taking it to heart and actually applying it is our end goal. Our vision is to educate and mentor students to become Christ-centered so that they will become leaders in the church, fulfilling the great commandment and the great commission." 

Contact Us

Reach out to us with any questions about the Lead Residency or complete an application today.

Download this Lead Residency information in a PDF format.

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Church Planting Residency

The MAC Church Planting Residency is a 10-month program that is designed for assessed church planters who are beginning the journey of launching a church plant. The Residency will provide training, support, encouragement, and accountability that will greatly assist with the successful launch of a healthy, sustainable new church. 


The Resident will have ... 

  • successfully completed the Discover Residency (or equivalent)

  • been approved through the MAC Launch Residency Assessment

  • identified the target community for the church plant

  • alignment with the Lausanne Covenant

  • the support of a committed sending church (spiritual, relational, financial)

Annual Schedule

June 1: Deadline for Application

July 1: Applicants Notified of Acceptance

August - May: Monthly Gatherings

Our Current Launch Residents

Stephen Hartley

Nathan Kaspar

Max Youell

Launch Residency Model

The residency is a cohort consisting of 3-5 church planters and the Residency Director. This model provides an environment for the planters to learn collaboratively, encourage each other, pray for one another, and develop deep, lifelong relationships. 

Cohort Meeting Rhythm

The cohort will meet together physically at least three times a month. Multiple gatherings each month will deepen relationships and contribute to the soul care of the resident. 

Second Tuesday 
The cohort will participate in the MAC Second Tuesday events where they will benefit from prayer, peer coaching, and training.


Second Wednesday 
The cohort will gather with the Residency Director (and other trainers) for a focused time of spiritual development, training, encouragement, and prayer. The Second Wednesday topic will often align with the subject matter presented the previous day.


Fourth Tuesday 
The cohort will gather for additional training and prayer. 

Personal Study / Preparation

The resident will receive books (and additional training materials) selected to assist in their development as church planters. The expectation is that the materials will be diligently studied and the resident will be prepared to discuss the content at the cohort gatherings. 

Monthly Stipend

The resident will be well on their way toward planting a church, therefore the Launch Residency will provide them with a monthly stipend. This will be paid monthly for one year, beginning the first month of the residency. 

Resident's Wife

Churches are not planted by the resident alone, therefore MAC will provide ongoing support and resources specificaIly for the wife of the resident. 

Residency Length

The cohort will meet monthly from August through May. Following the Residency, the cohort will remain connected through the Second Tuesday MAC gatherings and through personal relationships. 

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion, each Resident can expect ...

  • a deepened relationship with Jesus Christ and a strengthened commitment to his mission through church planting.

  • a broadened knowledge of church planting strategies and operations.

  • a refined proficiency in fund-raising best practices.

  • an enriched grasp of discipleship/ multiplication strategies.

  • an improved understanding of preaching principles.

  • a comprehension of core team and leader development principles.

  • a profound camaraderie with a band of like-minded brothers who have one another's backs.

Monthly Gathering Formats

The following is the typical schedule for the monthly gatherings of the cohort from August through May. In addition to these scheduled meetings, the Residency Director (and other MAC-related resources) will be available for one-on-one consultations as needed. 

Second Tuesday

MAC Network Meeting

10-11am: Prayer and Worship

11am - Noon: Peer Coaching*

Noon - 12:45pm: Lunch and Church Planter Updates

1-2pm: Training**

2 - 4pm: Deep Dive into Training Topic

Second Wednesday

Cohort, Residency Director, Subject Matter Experts

10am - Noon: Soul Care and Prayer

Noon - 2pm: Lunch and Training

2 - 4pm: Church Plant Snapshots (or other training)

4pm: Provide Materials for Next Meeting

Fourth Tuesday

Cohort, Residency Director

11am - 2pm: Touchpoint and Prayer over Lunch

* Peer Coaching: Ministry leaders share one issue for discussion and coaching around the table.

** Training is provided by experts and geared toward church planting topics.

Focused Topics

  • Spiritual Health

  • Emotional Health

  • Healthy Marriage

  • Healthy Family

  • Disciple-Making

    • Evangelism​

    • Discipleship

  • Team Building​

  • Leadership

  • Preaching Principles

    • Gospel-Centeredness​

    • Sermon Preparation Rhythms

  • Church Operations​

  • Fund-Raising Principles

  • Church Multiplication

  • Time Management

Launch Residency Checklist

To prepare for planting the church, the Launch Residency will advise the planter in the completion of the following necessary tasks:

Exegeting the Context of the Church

Establishing Critical Infrastructure

  • Becoming a 50lc{3) Organization

  • Bookkeeping

  • Developing a Website/ Branding

  • Subscribing to CCLI

  • Submitting IRS Forms

  • Obtaining Insurance

  • Securing a Meeting Location

  • Purchasing Equipment 

Establishing Critical Ministry Systems

  • Volunteer Recruitment [Management Model and Tools]

  • Children's Ministry

  • Worship and Prayer

  • Set-up and Tear-down

  • Hospitality/ Guest Services/ Connecting

  • Small Groups/ Discipleship Groups/ Missiona

  • Communities Outreach [Local/ Global/ Biblical Justice/ Etc.]

  • Leadership Meetings [Elders/ Deacons/ Staff/ Etc.] 

Establishing Church Governance

  • Establishing Accountability

  • Establishing a Church Oversight Structure

Launch Resident Profile

The ideal candidate for this Launch Residency will have ...

Proven Ministry and Leadership Experience

  • at least five years ministry experience

  • been alive at least twenty-five years

  • proven experience ministering to adults

Proven Character

  • Solid References

  • Humble, Persevering, Responsible

  • Emotionally Healthy

  • Free From Addictions

  • Healthy Marriage and Family Life

  • In Accountable Relationships

A Reputation as Theologically Grounded


A Reputation as a Solid Communicator of God's Word


A Reputation as Spiritually Vibrant


Proven Recruiting/Gathering Abilities


A Reputation as a Clear Thinker


A Commitment to Planting in the Metro Atlanta Area


An Intention to Plant a Church in About a Year

Expectations and Commitments

  • Maintain a vibrant walk with Jesus as demonstrated by spending time alone with God, sharing his faith regularly, and participating in worship. 

  • Be known by and accountable to others.

  • Be faithful to attend all Launch Residency events.

  • Be faithful to complete assignments in a timely manner.

  • Have a teachable spirit and be able to receive feedback graciously.

  • Actively and aggressively move toward planting a church - committing 4-5 days a week toward church planting activities.

  • Maintain a healthy relationship with the sending church.

  • Sign a Covenant Form that affirms the above commitments.


A Resident who does not abide by these commitments may be removed from the Residency.

Sending Church Relationship

We believe strongly in the "churches planting churches" model and therefore each resident should be aligned with a sending church that will provide spiritual, relational, and financial support to the planter. 

Sending Church Responsibilities

The sending church is responsible for providing the Resident with ...

  • mentoring by a senior church leader.

  • access to department heads/ team leaders for questions and advice.

  • opportunties to serve [in an appropriate capacity] in the worship service several times throughout the year.

  • an invitation to some staff and elder/board meetings for educational and relational purposes.

  • an opportunity to cast vision to church members for the purpose of gathering support in one of three ways: Prayer Support, Financial Support, or Being on the Launch Team.

  • prayer support from church leadership and community.

Resident's Commitment to the Sending Church

The Resident is responsible to providing the sending church with ...

  • a motivated, humble church planter who is proactive in supporting the church, modeling a missional lifestyle.

  • a monthly, written report outlining the progress made toward planting the church.

  • timely presence at all agreed upon events and meetings.

  • a well-prepared teacher/preacher for mutually agreed upon events [several times throughout the year].

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About Metro Atlanta Collective

MAC is a growing network of planters, pastors, and leaders who serve churches in the Metro Atlanta area. Though historically rooted in the PCA, we are a network of various traditions rooted around reformational commitments. Our purpose is to serve a larger ecosystem of gospel-centered ministry in Atlanta by helping to plant, strengthen, and renew many churches throughout our city-region. 

Contact Us

Reach out to us with any questions about the Launch Residency or complete an application today.

Download this Launch Residency information in a PDF format.


Anago Church Planting Residency


The Anago Partners Church Planting Residency is a 15-month program that is a collaboration between Anago Partners and Metro Atlanta Collective. This residency is designed to come alongside pastors who have already planted (or are pastoring in some capacity) and are now realizing that what was only theoretical in previous training is now an ongoing reality. 


The Lead Residency is a monthly cohort of 8-10 pastors facilitated by an experienced coach. Each cohort meeting focuses on spiritual/ emotional development as well as a practical aspect of church leadership. In between meetings, the Resident will meet with the coach via Zoom on a biweekly basis for personal one-on-one encouragement and coaching. 


  1. Provide the skills needed to be spiritually and emotionally healthy amidst the challenges of church leadership.

  2. Provide the skills needed for the Resident to lead his staff, officers, and volunteers to a place of spiritual and emotional health.

  3. Assist the Resident to progress to being an effective and inspirational leader rather than merely a manager.

Lead Residency Distinctives


The Residency employs several well-established leadership assessment tools to provide the Resident with data that will be used to identify areas of ministry where focused development is needed. These assessments are repeated at the conclusion of the Residency in order to celebrate progress.


Custom Curriculum

The monthly cohort meetings utilize a curated curriculum to focus discussion on 24 of the most important topics and daily challenges for those leading ministries. 



Each Resident receives two l hour coaching sessions a month that target specific areas of personal and professional development. 



The cohort is a safe and confidential community in which the Resident can authentically engage with peers as they encourage, support, and challenge one another. 

Cohort Meeting Rhythm

The cohort will meet together physically twice a month. Multiple gatherings each month will deepen relationships and contribute to the soul care of the resident. 


Night Before

The night before the main cohort meeting the residents and the coach will meet in a social setting - a restaurant or pub. This will be for a time of fellowship and mutual encouragement. 


Cohort Meeting

The cohort will gather with the coach at 9am and meet until 3pm. The morning will focus on spiritual and emotional development. Lunch will be provided. The afternoon will focus on a practical aspect of ministry leadership. 

Expectations and Commitments

  • Attend all cohort meetings, coaching sessions, and social events.

  • Read the books and come prepared to discuss.

  • Complete all assessments in a timely manner.

  • Interact with and encourage other residents.

Expectations and Commitments

The Lead Residency is committed to provide the Resident with ...

  • comprehensive assessments at the beginning and end of the Residency.

  • an enjoyable social event each month to encourage connection and fellowship with other residents.

  • all necessary books and curriculum materials.

  • lunch on the day the cohort meets.

  • access to the coach for advice and encouragement as needed.

  • faithful prayer for the Resident and his ministry.

Curriculum Calendar

Quarter 1: Spiritual Leadership & Executive Leadership




Canoeing the Mountains




Spiritual Leadership & Teams






A Praying Life




Mission Design & Communication

Start with Why




Gospel Renewal

Renewal As a Way of Life




Executive Effectiveness

What's Best Next


Quarter 2: Shepherding & Organizational Management




I Am Not The Christ






(Smart and Street)



Your Family

The Shepherd Leader at Home





Player Coach




Your Flock

The Shepherd Leader




Team Building

Five Dysfunctions of a Team


Quarter 3: Pastoral Leadership & Healthy Leadership




Masterplan of Evangelism




Healthy Leadership

Emotionally Healthy Leadership









Managing People and Projects

How to be a Great Boss




Gospel Community Building

A Meal With Jesus




Organizational Health

The Advantage


Quarter 4: Redemptive Leadership & Leading Change




Every Good Endeavor




Change Management

Leading Change




Faith at Work

Vocational Discipleship

(Lutz and Unruh)



Coaching and Development

Leadership & The One Minute Manager




Generous Justice

Generous Justice




Organizational Structure & Governance

Winning on Purpose



About Anago Partners

Anago Partners was created in 2018 to develop what we call "Seminary Part B" - a spiritual development program that equips pastors with the gospel renewal and leadership / management skills required to lead a healthy and effective church in the 21st century. 

Contact Us

Reach out to us with any questions about the Lead Residency or complete an application today.

Download this Lead Residency information in a PDF format.

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